
Cheers to Broker's Party 2023

July 16, 2024

Gathering under the twinkling lights of success, we come together to commemorate another year of turning dreams into reality. As we raise our glasses to toast the milestones achieved and the memories made, we reflect on the countless journeys embarked upon, the challenges conquered, and the bonds forged along the way.

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Broker's Christmas Party 2021

March 31, 2023

Our dear JKY Sellers received their Outstanding Sales Performance Award for the Year 2021 in Kathleen Place 4, Novaliches, Quezon City last December 10, 2021, together with the Marketing Team headed by Mr. Rolando Ladia. The JKY Group of Companies, Inc. always support and appreciate all the efforts and contributions of our dear brokers and sellers to the success, not only of the company but also to their team/realty as well.

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Broker's Christmas Party 2020

March 31, 2023

Despite the situation that the world is under the COVID-19 pandemic, the JKY Group of Companies, Inc. still recognized the effort of our dear sellers and gave them a simple celebration held in Kathleen Place 4 Clubhouse with proper compliance in COVID-19 safety measures.

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